Hiking at the Poudre Learning Center

Children are most welcome to worship with us. As our name suggests, our Sunday service is like a “Family” gathering, which includes family members of all ages. The atmosphere at our church is relaxed, so we don’t mind when babies cry or children make some noise. 

Each Sunday, our pastor leads a discussion with our young people called Discovery Time. After this, the children have a table in the sanctuary where they complete art projects during the service. Family of Christ organizes our children’s program based on the Progressive Christianity curriculum. We are currently completing intergenerational art projects that are displayed in our sanctuary. 

Once a month our children, their families and friends meet for fellowship at a venue particularly chosen to be engaging for children. You will find us at the pumpkin farm, playing at the splash park, roasting hotdogs and s’mores, skipping rocks at the river, attending the PRIDE pop-up library event, or picnicking in the park. Contact us for information about our next play date.