Each Sunday morning about 15 to 30 people gather for worship. Our congregation includes long-time members, spiritual seekers, and skeptics. What brings us all together as a Family is our common desire to walk in Christ’s way of love, justice, and peace. In worship we gather to celebrate life, explore a 21st Century spirituality, and commit to making the world a better place.
We know that it can be a little intimidating arriving in a strange place for the first time. But we assure you that we’ll do everything we can to help you feel welcome. We welcome people of all ages, beliefs, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, political persuasions, and native languages. We encourage you to bring your questions, your longing, your fears and your hopes.
We care deeply about each other and about the world. We believe that reverence for God can be expressed in laughter, music, silence, the spoken word, mutual embrace, reflection, exploring questions and having fun. We hope that our worship together reflects those values.
Our service of worship is held each Sunday morning at 10:30am in our sanctuary and we most warmly invite you to join us!
Worship Service
Worship reflects and reinforces who we are and what we are about as a congregation.
We gather together as individuals in a community with Gathering Music, Words of Welcome, Prelude, Responsive Call to Worship, Hymn, Opening Prayer.
We continue our movement into God’s presence with a Call to Confession, Silent Prayer of Confession, Unison Prayer of Confession, Assurance of God’s Grace, Hymn, and the Passing of the Peace.
We step into the time of proclamation with a Discovery Time for children (that the adults enjoy as well!). Then there’s a Prayer for Illumination, Scripture Readings, and a Sermon.
We respond in a Hymn, the Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer followed by our Offering with music and a Prayer of Dedication, then a Hymn. Announcements and Celebrations are shared, then the Blessing and the Postlude.
Worship is casual and uplifting. The folks are warm and welcoming but won’t go into a feeding frenzy around a visitor. The lay leader and pastor/guest speaker guide us through a joyful celebration.
All are welcome.
Physical Space
Our worship space is deliberately simple. We often improvise decorations to reflect changing seasons or themes. Often the sanctuary is filled with art work. It is a place where children can run and shout, and where people can laugh, sing, be silent, or ask questions. In short, the building and its furnishings are intended to be functional.
Central is the Lord’s Table, sometimes called the Communion Table. It’s not an altar or a place of sacrifice; it’s a table for a meal. The actual table was specially built by Lydia Krauss. All who seek to put their trust in Christ are welcome at the table. A chalice, or communion cup, was a gift from our local Synagogue when our church building was dedicated. Lately, we have been using a baptismal font, pitcher, chalice and plate that were commissioned from The Clay Center in Greeley.